



Login Module

This module provides various functions that the channel must integrate. The game must be connected to all interfaces to ensure that it is properly placed in the channel. This module is a mandatory module.

Preparation before integration

The game developer needs to read the public configuration and prepare relevant configuration.


Interface description: Invoke the channel login interface. If the login succeeds, there must be a callback. Otherwise, it is unsuccessful. If it is unsuccessful, there may be no callback. Please note.

Note 1: The game cannot rely on login failure callbacks to handle the game logic processing. (There are no callbacks of some channel’s login failures )

Note 2: Parse the json data of the login successful callback, and send the ticket to the game server for verification. If the game server is successfully verified, then the SuperSDK login is successful. For details, see the login server documentation.(../server/server)

Note 3: When the code returned from login result is less than or equal to -10000, the login of the channel SDK fails. The rest can be regarded as SuperSDK login verification failure or the network anomaly.

Interface invoke::

SuperSDK.invoke(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME, BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_LOGIN, null);

interface callback:

private OnSuperSDKListener mSuperSDKListener = new OnSuperSDKListener() {
    public void onSuperSDK(String moduleName, String funcName, String result) {
        Log.d(TAG, "moduleName:" + moduleName + "\nfuncName:" + funcName + "\nresult:" + result);
        if(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME.equals(moduleName) && BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_LOGIN.equals(funcName)) {
			JSONObject json = JsonUtils.parseObject(result);
			int code = json.getIntValue("code");
			// 登录失败
			if (BCoreCode.SUCCESS != code) {
				String msg = json.getString("msg");
				// 游戏在这里登录失败的逻辑
			JSONObject data = json.getJSONObject("data");
			mAccessToken = data.getString("osdk_ticket");
			// 请游戏把下面步骤放到服务器端解析,这里只做示例
			String str = StringUtil.deBase64fromString(mAccessToken);
			JSONObject jsonObj2 = JsonUtils.parseObject(str);
			uid = jsonObj2.getString("osdk_user_id");

			Log.e(TAG, "uid=" + uid);
			Log.e(TAG, "token=" + mAccessToken);
        }else {
            Log.d("supersdk", "其他模块方法的监听结果");

Log printing::

    "code": 1,
    "data": {
        "data": {
            "uid": "19"
        "msg": "登录成功",
        "osdk_ticket": "eyJvc2RrX2dhbWVfaWQiOiIxOTYzNzc1MzgiLCJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiMTkiLCJsb2dpbl9zZGtfbmFtZSI6IkRlbW8iLCJjaGFubmVsX2lkIjoiMTIzMiIsImV4dGVuZCI6IntcImV4dGVuZFwiOlwiMjE1MHw5NHwwXCIsXCJvdXRlcl9leHRlbmRcIjpcIjIxNTB8OTR8MFwifSIsImFjY291bnRfc3lzdGVtX2lkIjoiMDA2MTAwMCIsIm9zZGtfdXNlcl9pZCI6IjAwNjEwMDBfMTkiLCJpcCI6IjE5Mi4xNjguMTIyLjE0OSIsImNvdW50cnkiOiIwMCIsInRpbWUiOjE0OTg2NjczNjcsInNpZ24iOiIxOWY0MDAxYmEyYWVkMzBjMjk1NjQ5YWU1MDZkMTQyMCJ9",
        "status": 1,
        "userinfo": {
            "login_sdk_name": "Demo",
            "user_id": "19"
    "msg": "login success"

Logout (required)

Interface description: After successful login, log out the currently account and invoke the interface.

Note: This interface is used for switching game accounts. The portal is generally placed in the following scenarios::

1. Login scenario,display of the account is successfully logged in.

2、the main game scene, display of setting interface.

Interface invoke:

boolean flag = SuperSDK.invokeBool(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME, BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_HAS_LOGOUT, null);
SuperSDK.invoke(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME, BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_LOGOUT, null);

Interface callback:

private OnSuperSDKListener mSuperSDKListener = new OnSuperSDKListener() {
    public void onSuperSDK(String moduleName, String funcName, String result) {
        Log.d(TAG, "moduleName:" + moduleName + "\nfuncName:" + funcName + "\nresult:" + result);
        if(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME.equals(moduleName) && BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_LOGOUT.equals(funcName)) {
            JSONObject json = JsonUtils.parseObject(result);
			int code = json.getIntValue("code");
			if(code == BCoreCode.SUCCESS) {
				Log.d("supersdk", "注销成功,游戏重新返回登录页面");
			} else {
				String msg = json.getString("msg");
				Log.d("supersdk", "注销失败:"+code+", "+msg);
        }else {
            Log.d("supersdk", "其他模块方法的监听结果");

Log printing:

result:{"code":1,"msg":"logout success"}

login page (required)

Interface Description: Invoking when the game opens the login page. This interface is invoked when you open the login page for the first time, and it also need to be invoked when log back to the login page.

Interface invoke:

SuperSDK.invoke(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME, BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_OPEN_LOGIN_PAGE, null);

enterGame (required)

Interface description: The game needs to invoke role report in three places: enterGame, createRole, levelUp

Note: You need to ensure that the “enterGame” is invoked before the “createRole”. There might be two scenarios:

* Enter the game first, then create a role. The first time you enter the game, there is no data, don’t report it. After the first time, if there is data while entering the game, report it. The game needs to invoke the enterGame interface first, then invoke the createRole interface.

* Create a role first, then enter the game. When creating a role, the game needs to invoke enterGame interface first, and then invoke createRole interface. Do not repeatedly invoke enterGame interface when entering the game. When the user has a role, the enterGame interface can be invoked upon entering the game.

Interface invoke:

Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_ID, "roleId");         // 必传,游戏创建的角色ID
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_NAME, "roleName");     // 必传,角色名称
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_LEVEL, "roleLevel");   // 必传,角色等级,必须为整形数字
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_VIP_GRADE, "vip");          // 必传,角色vip,必须为数字,如VIP1,则传1
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_SERVER_ID, "serverId");     // 必传,服务器ID
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_SERVER_NAME, "serverName"); // 必传,服务器名称
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_OP_SID, "opSid");           // 必传,渠道服务器ID

params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_CREATE_TIME, "roleCreateTime");//必传,创角时间,必须为服务器时间,必须为10位数字,如1498043738

params.put("professionid", "6");    // 必传,职业ID,必须为数字,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("profession", "武士");   // 必传,职业名称,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("gender", "男");         // 必传,性别,只能传"男"、"女",如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("power", "132323000");   // 必传,战力数值,必须为数字,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("balance", "0");         // 必传,帐号余额,必须为数字,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("partyid", "120");       // 必传,所属帮派帮派ID,必须为数字,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("partyname", "一笑倾城"); // 必传,所属帮派名称,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("partyroleid", "1");     // 必传,帮派称号ID,必须为数字,帮主/会长必传1,其他可自定义,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("partyrolename", "帮主");// 必传,帮派称号名称,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因

params.put("friendlist", "[{\"roleid\":1,\"intimacy\":\"0\",\"nexusid\":\"600\",\"nexusname\":\"情侣\"},{\"roleid\":2,\"intimacy\":\"1\",\"nexusid\":\"200\",\"nexusname\":\"仇人\"}]");      
                                   // 必传,好友关系,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因

params.put("isNewPlayer", "true"); // 必传,是否为第一次创角,只能传"true"、"false"。

SuperSDK.invoke(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME, BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_ENTER_GAME, params);

createRole (required)

Interface description: The game needs to invoke the role report in three places: enterGame, createRole, levelUp

Note: You need to ensure that the “enterGame” is invoked before the “createRole”. There might be two scenarios:

* Enter the game first, then create a role. The first time you enter the game, there is no data, don’t report it. After the first time, if there is data while entering the game, report it. The game needs to invoke the enterGame interface first, then invoke the createRole interface.

* Create a role first, then enter the game. When creating a role, the game needs to invoke enterGame interface first, and then invoke createRole interface. Do not repeatedly invoke enterGame interface when entering the game. When the user has a role, the enterGame interface can be invoked upon entering the game.

Interface invoke:

Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_ID, "roleId");         // 必传,游戏创建的角色ID
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_NAME, "roleName");     // 必传,角色名称
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_LEVEL, "roleLevel");   // 必传,角色等级,必须为整形数字
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_VIP_GRADE, "vip");          // 必传,角色vip,必须为数字,如VIP1,则传1
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_SERVER_ID, "serverId");     // 必传,服务器ID
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_SERVER_NAME, "serverName"); // 必传,服务器名称
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_OP_SID, "opSid");           // 必传,渠道服务器ID

params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_CREATE_TIME, "roleCreateTime");//必传,创角时间,必须为服务器时间,必须为10位数字,如1498043738

params.put("professionid", "6");    // 必传,职业ID,必须为数字,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("profession", "武士");   // 必传,职业名称,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("gender", "男");         // 必传,性别,只能传"男"、"女",如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("power", "132323000");   // 必传,战力数值,必须为数字,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("balance", "0");         // 必传,帐号余额,必须为数字,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("partyid", "120");       // 必传,所属帮派帮派ID,必须为数字,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("partyname", "一笑倾城"); // 必传,所属帮派名称,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("partyroleid", "1");     // 必传,帮派称号ID,必须为数字,帮主/会长必传1,其他可自定义,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("partyrolename", "帮主");// 必传,帮派称号名称,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因

params.put("friendlist", "[{\"roleid\":1,\"intimacy\":\"0\",\"nexusid\":\"600\",\"nexusname\":\"情侣\"},{\"roleid\":2,\"intimacy\":\"1\",\"nexusid\":\"200\",\"nexusname\":\"仇人\"}]");      
                                   // 必传,好友关系,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因

params.put("isNewPlayer", "true"); // 必传,是否为第一次创角,只能传"true"、"false"。

SuperSDK.invoke(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME, BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_CREATE_ROLE, params);


Interface description: The game needs to invoke the role report in three places: enterGame, createRole, levelUp

Interface invoke:

Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_ID, "roleId");         // 必传,游戏创建的角色ID
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_NAME, "roleName");     // 必传,角色名称
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_LEVEL, "roleLevel");   // 必传,角色等级,必须为整形数字
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_VIP_GRADE, "vip");          // 必传,角色vip,必须为数字,如VIP1,则传1
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_SERVER_ID, "serverId");     // 必传,服务器ID
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_SERVER_NAME, "serverName"); // 必传,服务器名称
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_OP_SID, "opSid");           // 必传,渠道服务器ID

params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_CREATE_TIME, "roleCreateTime");//必传,创角时间,必须为服务器时间,必须为10位数字,如1498043738

params.put("professionid", "6");    // 必传,职业ID,必须为数字,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("profession", "武士");   // 必传,职业名称,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("gender", "男");         // 必传,性别,只能传"男"、"女",如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("power", "132323000");   // 必传,战力数值,必须为数字,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("balance", "0");         // 必传,帐号余额,必须为数字,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("partyid", "120");       // 必传,所属帮派帮派ID,必须为数字,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("partyname", "一笑倾城"); // 必传,所属帮派名称,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("partyroleid", "1");     // 必传,帮派称号ID,必须为数字,帮主/会长必传1,其他可自定义,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因
params.put("partyrolename", "帮主");// 必传,帮派称号名称,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因

params.put("friendlist", "[{\"roleid\":1,\"intimacy\":\"0\",\"nexusid\":\"600\",\"nexusname\":\"情侣\"},{\"roleid\":2,\"intimacy\":\"1\",\"nexusid\":\"200\",\"nexusname\":\"仇人\"}]");      
                                   // 必传,好友关系,如果有则必传,如果没有,请说明原因

params.put("isNewPlayer", "true"); // 必传,是否为第一次创角,只能传"true"、"false"。

SuperSDK.invoke(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME, BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_LEVEL_UP, params);

Reach the game home page (required)

Interface Description: Invoking when opens the home page of the game.

Note 1: If it’s a new user enters for the first time, be sure to invoke it after the “createRole” interface.

Interface invoke:

SuperSDK.invoke(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME, BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_OPEN_HOME_PAGE, null);

Forum, User center, Customer Service (required)

Interface Description: Some additional interfaces to the channel, some channels have these interfaces, and some channels do not have these interfaces. A judgment is required to invoke these interfaces.

Note 1: You need to judge whether the channel has a Forum, User Center, Customer Service interface. If required, you need to provide the corresponding UI in the game settings interface, if not, hide it.

Interface invoke:

boolean hasForum = SuperSDK.invokeBool(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME, BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_HAS_FORUM, null);
if(hasForum) {
    SuperSDK.invoke(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME, BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_OPEN_FORUM, null);
boolean hasUserCenter = SuperSDK.invokeBool(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME, BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_HAS_USER_CENTER, null);
if(hasUserCenter) {
    SuperSDK.invoke(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME, BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_OPEN_USER_CENTER, null);
boolean hasCustomServer = SuperSDK.invokeBool(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME, BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_HAS_CUSTOMER_SERVICE, null);
if(hasCustomServer) {
    SuperSDK.invoke(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME, BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_OPEN_CUSOMER_SERVICE, null);

Exit (required)

Interface Description: This interface is used to close the game. Invoking when clicking the “close game” button or pressing Android’s return button.

Note 1: Overseas games need to implement the exit confirmation pop-up windows.

Note 2: If this interface is not integrated, it will affect the destruction of the channel SDK resources, causing some channel games to fail to start next time.

Note 3: Please invoke this interface when event listening to the down method of the back button. Do not event listening for up and other methods.

Interface invoke:

SuperSDK.invoke(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME, BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_EXIT, null);

Interface callback:

private OnSuperSDKListener mSuperSDKListener = new OnSuperSDKListener() {
    public void onSuperSDK(String moduleName, String funcName, String result) {
        Log.d(TAG, "moduleName:" + moduleName + "\nfuncName:" + funcName + "\nresult:" + result);
    if (BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME.equals(moduleName) && BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_EXIT.equals(funcName)) {
            JSONObject json = JsonUtils.parseObject(result);
			int code = json.getIntValue("code");
			if(code == BCoreCode.SUCCESS) {
				Log.d("supersdk", "退出确认,游戏需把自己关闭");
			} else {
				String msg = json.getString("msg");
				Log.d("supersdk", "退出取消:"+code+", "+msg);
        } else {
            Log.d("supersdk", "其他模块方法的监听结果");

Log printing:

result:{"code":1,"msg":"exit success"}


Constant string Actual string Description
BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME platform Platform module name
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_LOGIN login Login method
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_HAS_LOGOUT hasLogout Whether the channel has a logout interface
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_LOGOUT logout Logout interface
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_PAY pay Open the payment page
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_PAY_ORDER_ID payOrderId Successfully get the order number callback
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_PRICE price Recharge amount
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_PRODUCT_ID productId Product ID
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_PRODUCT_NAME productName product name
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_PRODUCT_DESC productDesc product description
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_POINT_RATE pointRate The ratio of real currency to game currency exchange, such as 1:10, fill in 10
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_POINT_NAME pointName Game currency name, such as diamond
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ORDER_TITLE orderTitle Order title
Role data report
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_ENTER_GAME enterGame Enter the game interface
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_CREATE_ROLE createRole Create a role interface
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_LEVEL_UP levelUp level Up interface
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_ID role_id Role ID
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_NAME role_name Role Name
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_LEVEL level Role level
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_VIP_GRADE vip_grade Role vip
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_SERVER_ID server_id Server ID
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_SERVER_NAME server_name Server name
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_OP_SID opSid Channel server ID
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_CREATE_TIME roleCreateTime To create a role time, you must use server time, unit / s
Forum, UserCenter,CustomerService
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_HAS_FORUM hasForum whether there is a forum
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_OPEN_FORUM openForum Open forum
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_HAS_USER_CENTER hasUserCenter whether there is a user center
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_OPEN_USER_CENTER openUserCenter Open the user center
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_HAS_CUSTOMER_SERVICE hasCustomerService whether there is a customer service
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_OPEN_CUSOMER_SERVICE openCustomerService Open customer service
Exit the game
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_EXIT exit Exit the game
open login page, open home page
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_OPEN_LOGIN_PAGE openLoginPage Open the login page
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_OPEN_HOME_PAGE openHomePage Open the homepage
Add supersdk event tracking
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_REPORT report Add a event tracking method name
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_EVENT_ID event_id Event ID