



Payment module

This module provides various functions that the channel must integrate. The game must be connected to all interfaces to ensure that it is properly placed in the channel. This module is a mandatory module.

Preparation before integration

The game developer needs to read thepublic configuration,and prepare relevant configuration.

The game developer needs to complete thelogin module first and integrate all interfaces.

Before integrating the payment module, the game developer must integrate the Youzu server selection system first (please contact with operation and operation and maintenance colleagues).


Interface Description: Invoking the payment page and pay the amount.

Note 1: The following configuration is required before the joint debugging,then the game server can receive the notification of successful payment:

1、 Operation and maintenance system configures the OpSid and the Ip or domain name of the game server.

2、Configure the template recharge callback address on the packaging tool.

Note 2: The game can’t rely on the callback of the payment to perform the game logic processing, such as the first recharge display, etc. (There is no callback of successful payment in some channels)

Interface invoke:The following parameters are required and cannot be empty. Otherwise it will cause the payment failure.

Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_PRICE, "1");              //必传,购买金额,必须为大于0的整形数字,单位/元
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_PRODUCT_ID, "商品ID");    //必传,productId,商品唯一标识
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_PRODUCT_NAME, "商品名称");//必传,productName,商品名称
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_PRODUCT_DESC, "商品描述");//必传,productDesc,商品描述
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_POINT_RATE, "10");       //必传,货币兑换比例,整形数字,现实货币与游戏货币的兑换比例,如现实货币1RMB,兑换游戏货币10元宝,则填10
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_POINT_NAME, "元宝");     //必传,游戏货币名称,如元宝、钻石、金币等
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ORDER_TITLE, "30元月卡");//必传,订单标题,显示在充值页面的标题,部分平台对该值有要求

SuperSDK.invoke(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME, BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_PAY, params);

Interface callback:

private OnSuperSDKListener mSuperSDKListener = new OnSuperSDKListener() {
    public void onSuperSDK(String moduleName, String funcName, String result) {
        Log.d(TAG, "moduleName:" + moduleName + "\nfuncName:" + funcName + "\nresult:" + result);
        if(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME.equals(moduleName) && BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_PAY_ORDER_ID.equals(funcName)) {
            JSONObject json = JsonUtils.parseObject(result);
			// 获取订单成功
			String orderId = json.getString("data");
			Log.d(TAG, "payOrderId success: " + orderId);
        } else if(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME.equals(moduleName) && BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_PAY.equals(funcName)) {
            JSONObject json = JsonUtils.parseObject(result);
			int code = json.getIntValue("code");
			if (BCoreCode.SUCCESS == code) {
				Log.d(TAG, "pay success");
			} else {
				String msg = json.getString("msg");
				Log.d(TAG, "pay failed: " + code + ", " + msg);
        } else {
            Log.d("supersdk", "其他模块方法的监听结果");

Log printing:

moduleName: platform
funcName: payOrderId
result: {
    "code": 1,
    "msg": "get orderId success",
    "data": "OS_ZXLX97IK1B98RDL8L"
moduleName: platform
funcName: pay
result: {"code":1,"msg":"pay success"}

Payment mode 2

1、invoking payment

Interface Description: Invoking the payment page and pay the amount.

Note: Before the joint debugging, operation and maintenance system needs to configure OpSid for the district service.

Interface invoke: The following parameters are required and cannot be empty. Otherwise it will cause the payment failure.

Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_PRICE, "1");              //必传,购买金额,必须为大于0的整形数字,单位/元
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_PRODUCT_ID, "商品ID");    //必传,productId,商品唯一标识
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_PRODUCT_NAME, "商品名称");//必传,productName,商品名称
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_PRODUCT_DESC, "商品描述");//必传,productDesc,商品描述
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_POINT_RATE, "10");       //必传,货币兑换比例,整形数字,现实货币与游戏货币的兑换比例,如现实货币1RMB,兑换游戏货币10元宝,则填10
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_POINT_NAME, "元宝");     //必传,游戏货币名称,如元宝、钻石、金币等
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ORDER_TITLE, "30元月卡");//必传,订单标题,显示在充值页面的标题,部分平台对该值有要求

SuperSDK.invoke(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME, BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_PAY, params);

Interface callback: not required

2、order notification

Interface Description: if there is an unpaid order under a role of current district server , game developer will be noticed by the SuperSDK unified listener (OnSuperSDKListener) .

Note 1: If the game developer receives an unpaid order, the game developer needs to obtain the order details through the server request (game main checking order interface) and process them.

Note 2: the funcName of the order notification is different from the payment funcName in <1>

Order notification:

private OnSuperSDKListener mSuperSDKListener = new OnSuperSDKListener() {
    public void onSuperSDK(String moduleName, String funcName, String result) {
        Log.d(TAG, "moduleName:" + moduleName + "\nfuncName:" + funcName + "\nresult:" + result);
        if(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME.equals(moduleName) && BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_PURCHASES.equals(funcName)) {
			JSONObject json = JsonUtils.parseObject(result);
			int code = json.getIntValue("code");
			if(code != BCoreCode.SUCCESS) {
			String data = json.getString("data");
			if(TextUtils.isEmpty(data)) {
			String[] orders = data.split("\\|");
			for (String order : orders) {
				Log.e("result", "order="+order);
        } else {
            Log.d("supersdk", "其他模块方法的监听结果");

Log printing:

moduleName: platform
funcName: purchases
result: {
    "code": 1,
    "msg": "success",
    "data": "order1|order2|...|ordern"

3、order consumption

Interface Description: After the game developer receives the unpaid order and confirms the processing is completed (distribution of currency), use this interface to consume this order.

Note: Multiple orders can be consumed at a time, and multiple orders are split with a vertical line “|”. If there is only one order, the order number can be directly transmitted.

Interface invoke: The following parameters are required and cannot be empty. Otherwise it will lead to consumption failure

Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put(BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ORDERS, "order1|order2|...|ordern");//必传,传入SuperSDK订单号,当需要消费多笔订单时,以竖线"|"分割。

SuperSDK.invoke(BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME, BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_CONSUME, params);

Interface callback: null


Constant string Actual string Description
BCoreConst.platform.MODULE_NAME platform Platform module name
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_LOGIN login Login method
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_HAS_LOGOUT hasLogout Whether the channel has a logout interface
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_LOGOUT logout Logout interface
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_PAY pay Open the payment page
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_PAY_ORDER_ID payOrderId Get the order number successfully callback
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_PRICE price Recharge amount
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_PRODUCT_ID productId Product ID
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_PRODUCT_NAME productName product name
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_PRODUCT_DESC productDesc product description
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_POINT_RATE pointRate The ratio of real currency to game currency exchange, such as 1:10, fill in 10
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_POINT_NAME pointName Game currency name, such as diamond
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ORDER_TITLE orderTitle Order title
Role data report
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_ENTER_GAME enterGame Enter the game interface
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_CREATE_ROLE createRole Create a role interface
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_LEVEL_UP levelUp level Up interface
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_ID role_id Role ID
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_NAME role_name Role Name
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_LEVEL level Role level
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_VIP_GRADE vip_grade Role vip
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_SERVER_ID server_id Server ID
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_SERVER_NAME server_name name of server
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_OP_SID opSid Channel server ID
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_ROLE_CREATE_TIME roleCreateTime To create a role time, you must use server time, unit / s
Forum, UserCenter,CustomerService
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_HAS_FORUM hasForum whether there is a forum
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_OPEN_FORUM openForum Open forum
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_HAS_USER_CENTER hasUserCenter whether there is a user center
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_OPEN_USER_CENTER openUserCenter Open the user center
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_HAS_CUSTOMER_SERVICE hasCustomerService whether there is a customer service
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_OPEN_CUSOMER_SERVICE openCustomerService Open customer service
Exit the game
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_EXIT exit Exit the game
open login page, open home page
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_OPEN_LOGIN_PAGE openLoginPage open login page, open home page
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_OPEN_HOME_PAGE openHomePage open login page, open home page
add supersdk event tracking
BCoreConst.platform.FUNC_REPORT report Add a event tracking method name
BCoreConst.platform.KEY_EVENT_ID event_id Event ID